Home » 5 online training courses to easily create a website with WordPress

5 online training courses to easily create a website with WordPress

The goal of this session is to teach you how to create your website, customize it and know how to manage it independently to attract new customers. On the program: installing WordPress and its plugins, choosing your main theme and the appearance of your pages, the security of your site or even SEO methods. LiveMentor offers you individual support and a personalized journey to meet all your needs.

Duration: tailor-made, according to your project
Type of teaching: distance learning
Public admitted: employed employees, job seekers and companies
Price: €1,800, financeable by CPF

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Website Creation – WordPress with Affiliation Ninja
With this training, you will discover all the tricks of the WordPress CMS: from choosing the domain name and your host to selecting the theme for a graphic design that reflects your brand charter, through the creation of content as well as the management of plugins for an optimized website. The plus: learning from trainers and affiliation experts to successfully monetize your online activity.

Duration: 150 hours

Type of teaching: distance learning

Public admitted: employed employees, job seekers, companies and students
Price: €1,725, financeable by CPF (special offer: 15% reduction until May 10, 2024)

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WordPress: become a professional website creator with WebMyDay
The training provided by WebMyDay is 100% online, which allows you to adapt the courses according to your pace. You will learn all the techniques to master the WordPress CMS to launch your business, but also if you australia whatsapp number data wish to develop this skill as part of your missions. A WordPress trainer supports you individually throughout your project and you have access to the e-learning platform for life, with a recognized certification as a key.

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Duration: 2 months

Type of teaching: distance learning
Public admitted: employed employees, job seekers and companies
Price: €1,500, financeable by CPF

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Create a website – WordPress training with Axio Training
This professional training, which you follow can i have a euro? in a small group, aims to teach you the skills necessary to create, customize and cg leads manage your website effectively. On the program: the basic concepts of the CMS, its installation, content creation, organization of pages and categories, customization of the interface, or even techniques to optimize its SEO.

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