What I want to show you in the next few paragraphs is how data can be an incrible source of inspiration for writing, especially if you can nail down a few key principles: expose, relate, surprise, and share.
Chances are your business or website generates a wealth of unique first-party data that you can expose to the world. Perhaps from analytics, your rank tracker like Moz, or from raw user data if you operate a forum. I’ll give examples of how you can leverage these resources (especially when they don’t seem obvious or abundant), but let’s start with a canonical example of one major use of first-party data in an industry that seems directly at odds with it – dating.
The idea of measuring and analyzing our love lives seems like a bit of a cop-out. However, one of the most successful uses of data for content has been produc by the team at OK Cupid, whose “no label” blog posts have garnered thousands of solid backlinks and enviable traffic. The team at OK Cupid accomplishes this by tapping into their vast resources for u australia telegram data nique data, generated by their user base.
Blog posts are pretty
straightforward (and not too long) but they use unique data that isn’t really available to the average person. Because OK Cupid is in a privileged position, of insi how I spent the work week running more than 111 kilometers ght to their audience at large.
Sut maybe you don’t have a million customers with profile cmo email list a your company or organization might have that could easily be turned into interesting content: