What is cross-selling and how can I apply it to launch new projects?

“Is Apple now selling phones?” is the question many people must have asked themselves on the day Apple’s Steve Jobs announced the launch of the iPhone in 2007. It is probably the most successful cross-selling story in the world.I recently talked about upselling and how it differs from cross-selling . I highlighted that one of the main differences was the moment of sale, which is usually immediate in the case of upselling in order to propose an additional product that increases the value of the offer.

Cross-selling Photo rights by Fotolia

Steve Jobs and his team had been working for years on  russia telegram data  new technologies to launch this product that would forever change smartphones as we knew them. He was clear that the market was huge and that to grow significantly it would not be enough to launch a new Mac or iPod.

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Cross -selling is defined as cross-selling between existing customers to increase revenue for an existing line of business or launch a new one.

Cross-selling ( not the best definition that has come out of Wikipedia, for more information on the subject look better at the English version “cross-selling” ) as defined in Spanish  build content this is a particularly   by definition focuses more on increasing income for an existing business. In practice, there is a great potential for the launch of new projects that many do not know how to take advantage of.

How to cross -sell without annoying your customers

One of the biggest risks of cross-selling is that it annoys your customers. Instead  material data    of increasing revenue, it actually has the opposite effect. Nobody wants to feel like they are being squeezed like a lemon. So before you want to apply this sales technique, you should avoid one of the following mistakes:

Confusing cross-selling with late-stage upselling . The timing of the sale is key, so in most cases it is not a good idea to want to sell a more expensive product a couple of days after purchasing the cheaper version, even if the higher price is justified by greater functionality.
Disguising a similar product to increase revenue per customer . In order to achieve a new sale with a new offer. It can be tempting to create a product. that is apparently new. But that in the eyes of the customer is not sufficiently different from what already exists. In this case, the customer may feel cheated.
Selling something separately that the customer thought was included . The worst thing that can happen is that your buyer has interpreted that. What you now want to charge separately (e.g. a product maintenance service) has an additional cost. This can lead to complaints that can create waves on social networks depending on the severity of the case.
Every entrepreneur will surely have different opinions and experiences. On the topic of cross-selling, since there are no truths about it. In my case. I prefer to apply it to new projects because it reduces the risk of burning out an existing client. To do this, the following points must be taken into account:


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