The magazine interval

We would like to present to you the new design of magazine. As part of this change, we bring you an overview of the historical development of the interval since 1999.

The magazine has been around since 1999 and will soon celebrate its 17th birthday. During this time, it underwent enormous development. It was originally a news website that brought news from home and the world. There were political news and jokes among the categories. Author’s description of the site:

A news server whose content

regularly maintained by several editors who have never met in person. It brings short news from home and the world, commentaries on events, and on the other hand, full-fledged articles from many areas such as the Internet, computers, science and technology, culture, etc.

What did the interval actually look like at the beginning?
In 2001, the interval underwent a redesign, abandoning general journalistic topics and starting to focus more on the world of the Internet and technology. I am attaching a screen from again.

2001 interval

Another change came in 2004, when again

The interval replaced the old coat with a new one and brought many interesting features, for example, website criticism, which was really very lively in places. To this day, some of the israel phone number data discussions are indexed and well-ranked in Google, and we are still contacted by website owners asking us to delete discussions because of harsh criticism of their possibly out-of-date website design.

phone number data

At this time, the interval was experiencing its greatest glory. He captured a large amount of traffic from the then 150,000 Internet owners organic posts in story in the Czech Republic. It had many external editors and a large number of frequent and useful articles. I am attaching a screen to document the development.

In 2009, there was another redesign. This time, preview photos were added to the excerpts from the articles, and this design lasted the longest period of time until 2015. This time, Interval began to focus on the perspective cg leads area of ​​web design. Above all, he brought useful articles, tutorials on responsive design, which turned out to be a very good move thanks to the growing number of mobile technologies.

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