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A If the post I want to position is powerful

Answering these questions will let you know if you are doing well or not, and of course will give you ideas to improve the content of the post.

Add multimedia
This is where I add all the multimedia content that I think can contribut overseas data e to the article. If, for example, among the first 10 Google results for your keyword you find a video and images, that’s a sign that you might need to add them to your post as well, right?

I can consider several things:

overseas data

Convert the post to audio so that someone can listen to it as a podcast.
Create a video and upload it to YouTube with a link to my post.
Add your own images of the process you are teaching.
Create an infographic showing the main ideas of the article.
But if it is just another post, all this is not necessary, so I simply embed a quality video and add some photographs that are related to the topic of the article.

Internal linking

This is one of the most important parts and the one we often pay the least attention to. Linking to related posts from the new article is vital, but so is getting links from old posts to the new one .

To do this, simply choose those that are related and that serve as a complement to the information provided.

Another important point is that of external links, many webmasters do not place them because they believe they can lose authority.

In the case of outbound links, they should also pr uk data ovide value to the user. For example, if you talk about keyword research tools, you should be able to link to the tools so that users can see and try them out. It makes sense, right?

It must be said that if you have a blog that you have never reformula building Bridges through science diplomacy: accelerating progress towards sustainable development ted content on, you should try it, but I recommend that you check your position before and after the change, you will see the difference

Well, that’s it for the post, which I think is simple and very applicable, so now it’s your turn. What did you think? Have you tried content reformulation yet? I’ll wait for you in the comments.

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