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According to a study published by McKinsey

That’s why the best way to reach your target audience today is through digital media. The largest companies in the market choose Email Marketing because it is the tool that generates the highest return on investment.

Automotive dealerships and distributors use it to communicate special offers, services and incentives , such as financing plans or direct factory discounts, to their current and potential customers.

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Aof customers make their first purchase

A decision online and, in Latin America, 95% of users use online sources for advice.

That is why it is so important in the automotive industry to have excellent Email Marketing strategies , to reach customers online , directly and with the possibility of segmenting according to different variables.

Remember that no matter how the person came to your company, it is essenti advertising database al that after the first contact they receive news from you to strengthen the bond with your brand . So there is nothing better than sending an Email letting your Subscriber know the benefits they can get from being part of your company and already making a very good first impression.

One fact that you will surely be interested in knowing is that 94% of the people surveyed for the  uk data aforementioned study would consider the option of buying a car online, including financing, credit, paperwork and even home delivery of the vehicle.

Use Email Marketing to provide your target audience with all the information they need during the purchasing process and you’ll have practically closed the transaction! Then, don’t forget how important it is to keep in touch to build amazon is a global leader  customer loyalty and carry out remarketing actions . You can’t miss this opportunity!

Know your target audience

The automotive industry is full of segments . Knowing the needs, expectations, and purchasing decision process of the user is the key to reaching the public with personalized and appropriate messages . So, don’t skimp on resources when it comes to researching your potential customers!

Of course, it is also important that you have a good database to which you can direct your emails. There are many resources that will help you build one , but you also probably have an excellent sales team that can request emails from those who come to your offices . Take advantage of this great advantage.

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