nior students of higher education institutions begin to think about their future careers as the moment of defending their diploma approaches. During their studies, many do some part-time work to have money for current expenses. However, there comes a time when you need to set out on a freelance voyage or look for a permanent job.
To avoid making a mistake with your choice, you need to try to set your priorities before you graduate.
The GeekBrains team, together with international career development specialists, have prepared materials that will help you start your journey to your dream profession.
The selection contains only the most popular and highly paid specialties and areas in the IT sphere. 86% of our students, with the help of these materials, have decided on a career goal for the near future!
Download and use today:
Will help you understand the current situation on the labor market
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A selection of 50+ free neural hong kong whatsapp number data networks to simplify your work and increase your earnings
Only proven neural networks with access from Russia and free use
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TOP-100 job search platforms from GeekBrains
List of verified resources of real vacancies with income from 210,000 ₽
If your main goal is to earn some extra money, then go into the service sector. There are a number of vacancies for which work experience is not required:
delivery people in courier service
call center operators.
It would be great if you could make your hobby your job at the same time. Girls can get jobs as masters in beauty salons, avid athletes can become trainers, and those studying to be teachers can take up tutoring, etc.
But if a student is already thinking about professional employment in drop use this tool only advance, then the choice of place of work should be purposeful, corresponding to the specialty being studied. During the pandemic, many areas have successfully switched to remote cooperation, which cmo email list simplifies the possibility of part-time work during the training process. This is a suitable format for programmers, marketers, journalists, accountants, designers, etc., etc.