Cyber ​​Immunity is Kaspersky’s bet to protect customers

Kaspersky proposes a cybersecurity strategy based on three pillars: intelligence, training, education and solutions, in which business partners are vital.
San José, Costa Rica.- Kaspersky is seeking to ensure that its clients achieve “cyber immunity,” said Claudio Martinelli, general director for Latin America at the company.

It aims to make it more expensive for cybercriminals to launch an attack than the benefits they could obtain from it.

Martinelli made the above statement

while participating in the 13th edition of his security conference “Even in coffee, the evolution of cybercrime in Latin America.”

He stressed that cybersecurity is not a silver bullet that solves all problems, but rather a process of constant improvement.

How to achieve immunity?
According to Martinelli, to achieve greece whatsapp number data this immunity, the firm and its business partners – such as suppliers – must offer a solution based on three pillars:

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Training and education
In which one does not work without the other and they cannot be missing in any organization.

He stressed that intelligence means thinking about security not only by looking at the past, but by analyzing what they have and knowing the attackers, in order to predict their actions.

“I know my assets and the enemy to

build adequate protection and in accordance with the attacker’s strategies ,” he said.

In terms of training, the Regional Director said that we must go beyond enabling technical teams.

And generate “cyber awareness” for all employees, that is, educate everyone in a consistent, automated and adaptable way for each client.

This is to ensure compliance with the standards of each entity.

“Cybercriminals do not attack contact you soon submit a CISOs but rather non-specialized people such as receptionists, and they go beyond the internal borders cmo email list of companies,” he stressed.

He said that the firm and its business partners have an obligation to consult the needs of each client in order to provide the right solution.

“What we are looking for is to have a stable business ecosystem with ethical and long-term relationships ,” he added.

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