Home » Google favors mobile sites in the SERPs. Is your website ready?

Google favors mobile sites in the SERPs. Is your website ready?

The world of mobile technology is certainly nothing new. The constantly growing number of internet users on smartphones and tablets can also be seen in website traffic. Whether it is an application or a website, it is almost essential to have a project optimized for mobile devices.

Behavior of mobile web visitors

You may be experiencing low conversion rates for mobile visitors. It is mainly for the reasons that we use mobile phones mainly to find information quickly and to reduce free time. Few people want to wade through the categories of the e-shop, choose variants, constantly enlarge the previews and then fill out the order form. We usually save that for the computer and laptop, where we have everything clearly and in one place.


Why optimize websites for mobile devices?
Although mobile visitors rarely convert to customers, it is important to have an optimized website for them as well. For example, they can look at the gallery of your goods, add some of them to their wishlist, send them to their e-mail and make a purchase decision in the comfort of their own home. They will look at the advantages of your store, view the product variants and start thinking more about the order. But if they don’t find you at the initial stage of the buying process, the possibility of reaching visitors decreases and it often happens that they end up discovering the competition that they just found when their free time was reduced.

Google officially favors mobile sites in SERPs

This is not new. Only an official announcement was missing. Google has divided the SERP (search engine result page) into two variants. The first is for standard devices – desktops, laptops and tablets. There are no significant changes here. The second (new) version is for mobile devices up to 6.3 inches. In the uae phone number data mobile version, Google recently officially announced the favoring of smartphone-optimized websites over non-optimized websites.

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When did this happen?
The official date is 4/21/2015. From this date, optimized – preferably responsive – websites are officially favored in the mobile SERP. This can mean a loss of current search positions and a drop in organic traffic from mobile devices. In order to maintain the current positions, or to leapfrog the competition, it is therefore necessary to have an adaptable, or responsive, website. We have several articles on this topic at intervals. You can find them under the responsive design tag .

How to test a responsive website?
There are several tools to test if your website is really responsive. The most important is the mobile usability tester from Google . Here, Google will officially confirm whether your website is suitable for display on mobile focus on what is essential at all times phones. It will also show you a preview of how Googlebot sees your website. If a simple usability message isn’t enough for you, there are several tools to test and preview your site on specific devices. For example, responsivetest.net tc. Here you can cg leads select the desired type of mobile phone or tablet. You will see how visitors see your website directly from the selected mod.

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