For marketers, email marketing is a classic that they always use and that always works for them. Although for some years the new formats made a lot of noise and became the great promise of potential results, email marketing has become established because it achieves a good response, marketers control the entire process of launching the message and the action and the data remains within their control.
Consumers continue to open emails from brands and the boom in newsletters in recent months has only created a more favourable environment for this type of action. Email marketing has taken on a trendy air.
While it’s pretty clear
Why marketers want these types of formats and what they value in them, the big question they need to ask themselves is what users themselves see in these contents. In other words, we need to ask ourselves why consumers open brands’ emails and what triggers their engagement.
Several studies have been analyzing in recent years what consumers expect from brand newsletters. Email marketing is positioned as a space in which personalized offers and proposals for services, products and even rates are expected. They also function as a reminder of what is available and what the brand has to offer.
A study by DMA/Validity has now analysed
What it is that makes us click on brands’ messages, beyond our expectations. Determining what makes one message get read and another go straight to the recycling bin is crucial for digital marketing strategy. Companies need to understand the mechanisms that trigger a response and make their messages get read.
Traditionally, marketers have relied on saudi arabia phone number list creating powerful subject lines. Messages are filled with claims and calls to action, while studying which content elements connect best. There was a time when emojis worked well for some brands, which triggered a flood of emoticon use as a call to action.
However, the study now calls this primacy into question. Having done a good job of brand positioning and recognition is just as important in email marketing as it is in other areas of marketing and advertising.
Messages from well-known brands
68% of respondents admit that they open an email based on the brand that sent it. Compared to 59% who open it based on the subject line. Knowing the sender and brand the magazine interval awareness are much more important. When it comes to getting a click than the promise of content.
The coronavirus crisis has only accelerated loan data this perception. Perhaps because consumers’ inboxes have surely been more saturated in the last year. Perhaps because they suffer from information fatigue, consumers focus more on what they already know.
That 68% brand importance is up from 55% the previous year
Subject matter content has also grown, from 48% to 59%. Still, the importance of brand versus subject matter has strengthened. The percentage points separating them are now greater.
Finally, consumers are also much more demanding about what email marketing contains in their opening decisions. As they recall in the conclusions of the study. The importance of the relevance of the message has grown during this year. It is the reason for opening for 55% of those surveyed, surpassing discounts and offers (53%).