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Marketing is Like Playing

Marketing is . Like playing a game of chesschess is a game of strategy.Even the monkeys . In . Tv commercials know it!Web marketing as a game of chess monkey plays chess nicola.Onida easy web marketingthe very famous monkey from a well-known brand of iced tea that.Beats a human in a game of chess. And, if you think about it.Web . Marketing is too. The aim of the game of chess is to capture .

The Opponent’s King the

The opponent’s . King. The so-called Checkmate.Likewise, the purpose of marketing is to collect leads . And win the . Heart of your customer. In your work in the world of . Online marketing, you will . Encounter many types of players. Just like in the world . Of chess.You will be dealing . Withthe novices – those who play rarely and jump .

At Any Move That Comes

At any move that comes to . Mind. The intrepid – those who try to . Follow some semblance of a calculated strategy . But fail to engineer a checkmate.Every now . And then you will also find masters .Who plan their future moves a . Few steps bc data india before moving the piece they hold in . Their hand.Web marketing as a . Game of chess I’ll explain what these two noble strategy .

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Games Have in Common You Are

Games have in common.You are forced to know the pieces of the chessboardlike . Any game you . Decide to play, to start taking your first steps estimated traffic is an indicator of the expected you need to . Know well . The movements of the pieces on the battlefield. In this case the chessboard .Chess . Pieces are our strengths the only ones available to win the game. So customer.

And Marketing Tools Are Our

Data and marketing tools are our strengths bzb directory in marketing. That’s why you have to make.Good use of the resources you have available if you want to get great. Results.Every . Piece of the chessboard is the pawn, the rook, the knight, the bishop and so on. Represents a . Of the many digital marketing activities you can dedicate yourself to for . Your purposes. Of business.

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