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The approach allowed it to control all financial transactions

This allows management to see the financial results of the business in real time and quickly react to changes in income. Invoices a chat for coordinating payments. Here, the accounting department posts invoices for payment, and management can quickly check and approve them. This speeds up the payment process and increases its transparency.

Cash desk the accounting department regularly

Informs about the state of the cash desk and bank accounts. This allows you to understand the current financial position of the company and plan future panama phone number library expenses. Chats for financial reporting in the corporate messenger Compass All chats are available only to a narrow circle of employees. This ensures the security and confidentiality of management information.

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The company also introduced data protection measures

It limited the forwarding and downloading of files. and effectively manage the agency’s resources. Organizing financial accounting in a messenger makes how to use email marketing for your business financial information management more centralized and secure. Case No. 2. Restaurant Managing finances in the restaurant business is not an easy task. Constant purchases, a variety of suppliers and daily cash transactions all require a system.

The restaurant faced the need to improve financial

Transparency and streamline accounting. To achieve these goals, management took two steps: Step 1. The manager implemented a corporate messenger into work In cg leads this case, the structure of the chats for financial accounting was as follows: Finance Director In this chat, the manager and financial manager coordinate large expenses with the director. Here they discuss plans for the month, for example, the possibility of purchasing new equipment or launching an advertising campaign.

Settlements with suppliers the main chat

Where all orders and expenses for products and materials are recorded. You can monitor cash flows, track and pay debts to suppliers on time. Write-offs – this chat is used to register write-offs of products for various reasons, such as expiration dates. Transportation is a chat for tracking transportation costs for employees who work late. This chat allows you to plan a budget for such services. Cash register – daily cash reports from the administrator. The administrator always knows how much money the restaurant has in the cash register and can plan funds for unexpected expenses. Revenue here the total revenue for the day, week, month is recorded.

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