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The best procurement processes

The best procurement processes begin with a high-quality understanding of what the market currently offers. While comprehensive research requires an upfront investment of time and money, consider whether these resources are worth investing in order to successfully transition to new technology. Using one or more of the above methods will help any agency understand their options and will result in a measured, robust, and comprehensive procurement process.

This post was originally published in

September 2016. As a lifelong federal contractor, I have personally experienced budget crises dating back to the 21-day government shutdown of 1995-1996. The last few years have been stressful with looming budget deadlines and the constant frantic late-night resolutions that government has had to make to keep the lights on. For contractors and federal workers, it’s like an irritation under the skin that can go away on its own… or it can develop into a crippling or deadly flesh wound. All of our clients have important public service missions.

As contractors, we work hard to help

Them achieve those missions. But those missions are plagued by looming budget deadlines. The agenda of our routine status overseas chinese in uk data calls shifts from contract work plans to talking about government shutdowns. Shutting down and restarting major projects and programs is not easy. Our federal counterparts are focused on determining what/who is essential and what/who is not.

special data

This includes their work our contracts

The staff we work on those contracts. And, this can you imagine the situation? discussion doesn’t even take into account the impacts of the mission/contract on various stakeholders and the public. When the government shuts down, we can’t do anything. For example, we are a small business that helps government agencies apply technology and data analytics to improve communications and measure performance.

One of our contracts is to operate

The EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline and tg data work with EPA’s subject matter experts to update the online knowledge base. During the 2013 shutdown, the ho. Itline was deemed non-essential.Do we lay off employees? If we lay off employees and they find a. Inother job, how do we train new employees in time to restart the hotline? If we don’t lay off empl. Ioyees and incur indirect employee costs, will we go bankrupt?

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