Home » The most important SEO factors 2015 for Seznam

The most important SEO factors 2015 for Seznam

Do you wonder how Seznam ranks the results in organic search ? In the following paragraphs, you will read the most important factors for ranking in this search engine. If you are interest in the main factors that are decisive for Google , read the two-part article on our blog dicat to this topic: Part I – Factors on the web and II. Part – Off-Site Factors .

Tip: You can also find basic factors in  the List help .

Before we start with the factors themselves, it should be remember that the Seznam algorithm is no longer actually bas on the given factors, but on machine learning , which is a little more complicat than adding factors (you can learn more about this in  an interview with Dušan Jankovský , who was still on Seznam until recently th mexico whatsapp number data e head of the relevance department). Nevertheless, there are a number of factors by which we can influence the decision tree of the List algorithm.

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I will not rank the individual factors in order of importance, even in view of the above, that would have no informative value, the whole is important, not the individual factors . This part will mainly be about those factors that can be influenc directly on the page.


I will also add the factors to my comment, in which I will share with y focus on what is essential at all timesou my knowlge from practice (this means that it does not always have to be this way, it depends on the specific case).

1) Subtitle
The title should contain an accurate and concise title of the page. Definitely don’t try to stuff words into the title that don’t belong there. Rather, choose one keyword – depending on the focus of the page.

For example, it has work for me to use rather longer longtail terms f spam data or articles. For general questions, it happen to me that there was too much competition and less probability of being display (the exception is e-shops with the name of a specific type of category).


Image: The longtail term “mortgage interest rates 2015” is more accurate and less competitive than “mortgages 2015”

2) Heading H1

It should contain a catchy keyword (usually the same as the headline).

I was recently ask how important it is how high up in the code the heading is. The logical answer should probably be to make the title as high as possible so that we can immiately see what the page is about. The search engine also uses this logic.

3) Description
Description is not as important to the search engine as it is to the user, as it only appears in search .

The List does not always display the caption you select, probably because you have over-optimiz it with keywords.

4) URL
Although Seznam does not like to hear it, it still fails to distinguish the relevance of the query without using a keyword in the URL , in short, if you have the keyword directly in the URL (eg www.bazeny.cz ), you will have a big advantage.

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