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This image has an empty alt

It is free at the beginning, but when the number of email addresses collect or emails sent reaches a certain amount, it will start charging, and it is quite expensive. This image has an empty alt attribute Jetpack** is a free plugin.

If you are interest in installing it, you can click

“Continue with Jetpack” to install it. We will just click “Skip this step” here. ** This can be us to measure the traffic of your online store and monitor whether the website is online. This image has an empty alt attribute All set! Click “Create a product” to start the next step! Step 3: Upload products you are proud of The last step! Finally.

I can start uploading products!

This image has an empty alt attribute Insert the product name and description. This image has an empty alt attribute Set the price of the product. You can also set a discount price to attract customers! attribute Upload beautiful product photos stockholder database to impress your customers with your product’s appearance!


special data


Product image is the main product photo

You can only upload one. If you have more than one photo, upload them to the Product gallery. This image has an empty alt attribute Select the story pins board and marketing Category that this product belongs to. If the Category you want is not here, you can click “+ Add new category” to create a new Category of your choice.

This image has an empty alt attribute

Click Publish and your product is now online! Congratulations! Your online store is now complete! Share your products on Facebook to promote them! This image has an empty alt attribute The layout of the product will have different design effects depending on the theme. Summarize Setting up an online store is just the beginning of online usa data marketing. It is not the case that customers will come to you directly after the online store is launch.

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