Home » Web marketing and digital pollution

Web marketing and digital pollution

What solutions? October 4, 2021 Essential for good visibility, web marketing is most certainly an integral part of your company’s marketing actions. However, when we know that digital use emits 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions ( source ), or nearly half of the carbon footprint of the global automobile industry. And that this figure tends to double by 2025.

The question arises as to how to be

visible online while limiting the environmental russia phone number data impact of our digital communication. To address this issue, I called on two experts in web eco-design. Milena Gatelier , freelance graphic designer and web designer, creator of eco-designed Anelym websites based in Grenoble.

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And Guillaume Gueyraud

web developer, co-director of the green digital e-commerce in Brazil [2024]: market share, data and websites – Conversion agency GreenAssembly located in Annecy in Haute-Savoie. Both of them were kind enough to share with me their way of putting technology at the service of creativity. All in an ethical and sustainable way!

Let’s immediately discover the solutions they b2b fax lead recommend to reconcile web marketing and digital pollution with the creation of eco-designed websites… and proud of it  Recommendation #1: Target the right keywords An essential marketing tool, the website allows you to present your brand. It also helps you (and above all!) to find more customers thanks to search engine results.

But did you know that to answer a query typed into Google, the search engine travels thousands of kilometers of cables to display its answers? So to limit the number of unnecessary back-and-forths, our experts recommend working carefully on the keywords and long tails of web pages. Indeed, by responding to the precise requests of Internet users, the search time is shorter. The round trips to Google servers are fewer. And the energy consumption deployed to respond to a request is less energy-intensive. QED As a web editor, I would add that targeting the right keywords is also a way to attract qualified prospects to your website.

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