A week without publishing

To be honest, I was already at almost two and if I’m a little careless it turns into three. No, obviously I’m not talking about this blog. I’m referring to Maratoniano.es. On average I’m almost writing one post per week since I started in February of this yearThis project reminds me of the difficulties that a blogger who also works for someone else has to keep the blog updated. In my case, my main job is Marketingguerrilla.es, Quondos, Rankingbull and the other stories that

I am working on, so I have an advantage

Everything that comes out of that can be considered a bit like my free time.It is a much more difficult challenge than you might imagine at the beginning because every  philippines telegram data   day you have thousands of more important tasks to publish on the blog. With each day that you go over the deadline and the frequency that you have set, the pressure increases. When you have already gone over the deadline, the stress curiously decreases because the snake has been broken .

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It is an incredibly dangerous moment because here many people give up and throw in the towel almost without realizing it. The delay becomes more and more important and resuming with each passing day seems to make less sense.Going a week without publishing is not a problem if    visual merchandising in retail: the best blogs  you manage to get back to it. There are certainly much more important things than having a blog. It’s all a question of priorities so don’t say later that you don’t have time. Luckily I was able to get back to it

Obvious synergies between existing and new product : the term “obvious” is  material data    obviously open to interpretation, but common sense should be applied as much as possible . If you have an online coffee shop, it may make sense to sell the same public cups to drink from.

Benefits of being an existing customer

Discounts are still an effective way to reward and retain existing customers. Especially if you want to make use of an existing database to launch a new business, there has to be a significant reward for getting them to try your new product.
Low frequency of campaigns : never forget that the hardest thing is to get a new customer, so you don’t want to run the slightest risk of annoying an existing one. The frequency of cross-selling campaigns can be a maximum of 1-3 times a year. Anything beyond that is just creating discomfort for the most valuable asset you have in your business.
Forget about cross-selling if your core business isn’t working. Before thinking about increasing revenue per customer.  Focus on creating a stable project with customers who are satisfied with your core offering. Once the fundamentals are solid, you can think about new lines of business.

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